
Monday, June 29, 2009

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This is a reminder that on June 13, Moje Ramos-Aquino sent you an invitation to become part of their professional network at LinkedIn.

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> From: Moje Ramos-Aquino []
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> - Moje

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Saturday, June 27, 2009

Netgens or Millenials and Web 2.0


Business Times p.B1

Saturday, June 27, 2009



By Moje Ramos-Aquino, FPM

Netgens and Web 2.0 social media


The vastly unbeaten ASTD 2009 Conference & Expo held in Washington, D.C. early this month had ASTD president's Tony Bingham delivering a very thoughtful keynote speech on Day 1. He talked about the increasing presence of millennials or netgens (those born between 1977 and 1997) and how they are forcing organizations to change their management and leadership styles to suit their working, thinking, relating and learning needs.


Tony Bingham said that most definitions of informal learning describe it by what it isn't; as in, informal learning is any learning that isn't formal. Informal and social learning is appealing to netgens.


Tony asked and answered, "When you typed a query into Google or Yahoo, is this informal learning? Some contend that this is not learning, but information gathering and, that information gathering isn't learning. Learning professionals say that social media is helping people connect with the right information at the right time in the right way to better serve the customers. That is a very compelling reason in itself to facilitate social learning.


ASTD and i4cp conducted a research study on informal learning in 2008 to answer the question, "Are we tapping the real potential of informal learning?" and some of the findings were:


• Ninety-nine percent of the respondents saw that it was occurring to some extent and 34 percent said to a high extent.


• What is the expected change over the next three years? More than 56 percent expect it to increase over the next three years. (Doesn't the number seem low?)


• Ninety-eight percent of those surveyed say that informal learning enhances employee performance—39 percent to a high extent.


• Thirty-six percent dedicate no money to informal learning and 78 percent dedicate 10 percent or less of the training budget to informal learning.


• The percentage of informal learning occurring in organizations is between 70 percent and 90 percent, yet, amazingly, most of the money is allocated to formal learning.


This study tells us, Tony continued, that we have a lot of informal learning occurring in our organizations. It's going to increase, it works, and there is no budget assigned to it and most of it is occurring outside of learning's purview. We definitely have a great opportunity to make an impact with informal learning based on this research and one key impact area is knowledge retention from informal learning. Organizational leaders and those professionals who facilitate and drive informal learning must ensure that this knowledge is captured.


One best practice is to have a way to catalog the information, search it, and also locate subject matter experts—the information resides where it is readily accessible and impacts customer service and employee effectiveness. Another is to have all the tools in place to input and retrieve the information.


So far, we know that the netgens are bringing with them a new style of working and learning, and as a result, organizations are going to have to change. The sheer size of this group will force that change even if organizations are uncomfortable with it. Organizations are now financing informal learning and see it working.


Tony discussed how the netgens are using Web 2.0 technologies as well as the impact of these technologies is having in organizations. Web 2.0 technologies are the enablers of social learning. They are the tools that support collaboration and social learning; they don't cause it to automatically happen. You can design how Web 2.0 technologies are implemented to support learning in your organization.


Here are some stats on Web 2.0 social media technologies and why we must pay very close attention to them.


• Twitter had a 1,382-percent increase in traffic to its site from February 2008 to February 2009.


• Facebook, which has recently taken over the popularity contest from MySpace, has more than 200 million active users and more than 100 million users who log on at least once per day. The fastest growing demographic is age 35+. Seventy percent of Facebook users are from outside the US making it an international success.


• LinkedIn has more than 40 million professionals.


• In the Global Enterprise Web 2.0 Market Forecast study, Forrester reports that organizations' spending on Web 2.0 technologies will "surge" over the next five years, growing 43 percent each year to reach $4.6-billion globally by 2013.


While the social media venue may change in the future, it's clear, as the numbers illustrate, that people want to collaborate, and they're investing in it.


We'll have more of Web 2.0 next column.


 Search Moje in Twitter and Facebook using her email addy and visit her blog at

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Expectations of the Millenials and how they learn


Business Times p.B1

Saturday, June 20, 2009



By Moje Ramos-Aquino, FPM

Expectations of the Millenials and how they learn


Last column, we described them and asked you if you are ready for the millenials or net gens (those born 1977 to 97) and our reference is the thoughtful keynote speech of Tony Bingham at the immensely successful ASTD 2009 Conference & Exposition in Washington, D.C.


If you are working with or for those ages 32 and younger, wonder no more why they act and talk in a particular way.


Tony talked about the netgens' expectations for work and how they impact how you manage your business and lead your workforce.


Dan Tapscott, in his book Grown Up Digital, writes, "Whereas previous generations value loyalty, seniority, security and authority, the netgen norms reflect a desire for freedom, fun and collaboration. In this war for talent, employers are going to have to understand these key netgen norms if they want to hire them, and keep them. They want the freedom to work when and where they want, and the freedom to enjoy work and family life. The netgens mix work with their personal lives."


 Tony added, "I think we're seeing this for just about all workers today. The line between work and personal life is gray."


Dan says the other expectations of the netgens are:


• They want customization—this is what they're used to.


• They want to be managed as individuals, not as a big group. This means individualized learning and development opportunities, project based role description, lots of feedback on their performance, and open and regular dialogues with their manager.


• Integrity and transparency are essential to this generation. This is how their virtual communities operate.


• Collaboration: they are not turned on by climbing the corporate ladder. They demand challenging work, and want to achieve with other people. This is how they get things done.


• Entertainment: they want work to be fun, and see work and fun as the same thing, just like all of you do.


Tony recalled, "Speaking of fun, I was just reading the TechCrunch blog about what happened to eBay. In 2006, eBay had nearly 50 percent audience reach—basically half of the US Internet population visited eBay each month. eBay used to be fun to visit way back in 2006. Then came MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, which gave people new venues for fun. The group at eBay tried to bring fun back to it, but they were not able to do so. By December 2008 eBay visitors only account for 1.5 percent of the total minutes online according to comScore. Interestingly, eBay had been described as the perfect Internet business. Now they are struggling. And, look at how fast that happened. Dan Tapscott writes about speed and innovation, and details about the eight norms.


Formal learning—facilitated, scheduled, organized and structured—does not appeal to the netgens or the majority of your workforce in the future. Though, traditional formal learning—certification, compliance, and deep learning—will continue to be formal because the structure is required.


 In the May issue of Training & Development (T & D) magazine, Josh Bersin said it well: It's not informal learning taking over everything; it's like modernization of the learning functions.


 Tony asked: 70/20/10—what do those numbers mean?


 According to Princeton University's Learning & Development department:


• 70 percent of learning and development takes place from real-life and on-the-job experiences, tasks and problem solving.


• 20 percent comes from feedback and from observing and working with the role models.


• 10 percent of learning and development comes from formal learning.


 The group at Princeton says that they will always encourage the people they work with, to give special attention to the 70 percent. Karie Willyerd of Sun uses the term "irrelevant" if the learning function doesn't get into the 70 percent. While others might fear this, Karie finds it to be a really exciting place to be and a call-to-action for the learning profession.


Are you ready to answer that call? Next column let's discuss this thing called informal learning. After all we are and will be managing netgens for a long time and they learn in an informal, social way. They are highly collaborative and love social media tools and technology. Remember the line that technology is like air to them. And social learning is enabled by Web 2.0 technologies. But, are we tapping the real potential of informal learning?


(Find Moje in Twitter and Facebook using her e-mail addy and visit her blog at

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Invitation to connect on LinkedIn


I'd like to add you to my professional network on LinkedIn.

- Moje

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© 2009, LinkedIn Corporation

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Here comes the Net Gens



Saturday, June 13, 2009



By Moje Ramos-Aquino, FPM

The coming of the Millenials or Net Gens


The keynote presentation of Tony Bingham, ASTD president, at the recently concluded ASTD 2009 Conference & Exposition in Washington, D.C., jolted the delegates with an observation that everybody probably knew and never gave a second look. This is, understanding the millennial generation more deeply. This impacts the way we govern, manage, and lead in the workplace, in particular.


 Tony referred to them as Millenials or Gen Ys or Net Generation (Net Gens) based on their defining characteristic—the network—and, quoting various sources, characterized them as:


• Net Gens are the largest generation ever (born in 1977 to 1997). And the oldest in this generation is 32—so we're already seeing the impact in the workplace.


• In the USA, Net Gens will make up a whopping 47 percent of the workforce in 2014—that's less than five years away.


• Some stereotypes of the Net Gens—they can't make a decision, don't want to "pay their dues," ignore hours and dress codes, need constant feedback, their parents are involved in everything, and so on.


• The evidence is strong that they are the smartest generation ever. Raw IQ scores are climbing by three points a decade since WW2, and they have been increasing across racial, income, and regional boundaries. This generation thinks it's cool to be smart, and they see themselves as an essential part of the world's future success. When a global sample of thousands of Net Gens were asked, "Which would you rather be, smart or good looking," seven out of 10 chose having smarts.


• As employees and managers, the Net Gens are approaching work collaboratively, collapsing the rigid hierarchy and forcing organizations to rethink how they recruit, compensate, develop, and supervise talent.


• The very idea of management is changing with Net Gens. In education, they are forcing a change in the model, from a teacher-focused approach based on instruction to a student-focused model based on collaboration.


• The bottom line is this: If you understand the Net Generation, you will understand the future. You will also understand how our institutions and society need to change today.


• In their book, Groundswell, authors Charlene Li and Josh Bernoff provide this example: More than a million viewers have watched a YouTube video posted by law student Brian Finkelstein, who filmed a Comcast technician who fell asleep on his couch in 2006, waiting on hold for help from the Comcast home office to fix an internet problem. What happened to these companies will happen to you. Your company's customers are talking about your brand right now on MySpace, probably in ways you haven't approved. Your support representatives' conversations with customers will show up on YouTube, and so will your TV commercials, intercut with sarcastic commentary. If your CEO has any hair left, he or she is going to tear it out and then ask for your help in taming this torrent of people expressing themselves. But this movement can't be tamed. It comes from a thousand sources and washes over traditional business like a flood. And, like a flood, it can't be stopped in any one place. Often, it can't be stopped at all. And while you can't stop it, you can understand it. You can not only live with it, you can thrive in it. That's the point of this book. The groundswell trend is not a flash in the pan. This is an important, irreversible, completely different way for people to relate to companies and to each other. It also includes social networks like MySpace and Facebook.


• The authors of Groundswell see the collision of three forces: people, technology, and economics. They see these three trends—people's desire to connect, new interactive technologies, and online economics as creating a new era. And, we have a generation of people entering the workforce who don't know any other way—this is the way they've always done it.


 Are you ready for the Net Gen? Tony Bingham tells us how next column.


Moje is at,, Facebook and Twitter.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

Social Learning


Business Timesp.B1

Saturday, June 6, 2009



By Moje Ramos-Aquino, FPM

Facebook and Twitter as informal learning venue


The ASTD 2009 International Conference & Exposition, under the auspices the American Society for Training & Development, just ended (May 31-June3) here in Washington, D.C. It was, as usual, a huge success despite a smaller attendance of some 5,000 training and development leaders from all over the world. 


Half of the 1,270 foreign delegations came from Korea, Japan, Denmark, Brazil, South Africa and England. There were ten participants from the Philippines—Emmanuel Hio Jr., Art Florentin, Anthony Pangilinan, Francis Kong, one from Lhuillier Group and two from Bangko Sentral ng Pili-pinas. On Day 3, I met one of three from DepEd who came from different parts of the US prior to D.C. (Is this how they spend our tax money?)


Indeed, professionals in the learning and performance field advocate the same passion, speak the same language, use the same tools and techniques, share the same issues and have a common fear of the global recession and swine flu.


The opening keynote speech by ASTD president Tony Bingham centered on engaging the net generation or those born from1976 to 1998 when the Internet became the arena of choice for everything and anything. It was the era of e-commerce, e-everything, dotcom, Internet games (remember Super Mario?), e-mail, desktop publishing, search engines, and many others.


The NetGen learned to use the computer and navigate the Internet by discovery and hands-on experience, not in a formal classroom training. They were the first early adopters of the search engine Google and social networking sites like Friendster, LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Of course, they were also the first ones to discover and use extensively the texting function of the cell phone.


Traditional classroom venue for learning will always be there, yet training and development professionals need to explore and make use of informal learning as Web 2.0 technologies to engage the NetGen. The old fashioned e-mails will not be enough to communicate with them.


On the other hand, Annie Griffiths Belt, multi-awarded photographer of National Geographic, author of best-selling books of photography, and a Fellow with the International League of Conservations Photographers, cautions about too much use of modern technologies.


She recalls those times in the past as a news photographer of various magazines and as a White House news photographer when she and her fellow photographers would gather in the dark room to develop and print their pictures. They shared, not only the foul smell of the chemicals, but also and more importantly, funny and exciting stories of how they shot the pictures. They laughed together, the critiqued each other's pictures, helped each other pick their best pictures. They enjoyed a lot of ribbing and camaraderie which they carried through in their personal life as friends.


With the coming of the digital camera and the end of the dark room, they have lost the opportunity to get together in person, to bond, to develop friendship and to grow as persons in and outside of work. She seldom sees her colleagues nowadays.


She said that the best pictures she took were those when she made a connection with her subject in person and when she was able to communicate above their language and other cultural differences. To this day Annie still uses the good old fashioned 35mm camera even as she envies her young colleagues using cameras with the latest technologies. I remember a retired pilot-friend who said that the last pilot's plane was the BAC111 which required the pilot's skills, knowledge, alertness and leadership and team work with co-pilot and flight engineer.


(Find Moje in Facebook and follow her at Twitter using her e-mail address