Weekly articles in The Manila Times - Business Times Section, written by Moje Ramos-Aquino, FPM
Saturday, January 1, 2000
P&PC Network of Clients
Adtel, Inc.
AMA Group of Companies
Asea Brown Boveri
Asian Eye Institute
Bank of Commerce
Directories Philippines Corporation
Electro Concept, Inc.
First Philippine Holdings Corporation
First Philippine Industrial Corporation
First Philippine Industrial Park
Global Stride
Hayakawa Electronics (Phils) Corp.
INA Research Philippines
International Rice Research Institute
Landbank of the Philippines
Litton Components, Inc.
MacroEurest Corporation
Miramar Fish Company, Inc.
Misys Banking Systems International, Inc.
Philtips, Inc.
Philippine Daily Inquirer
Pro-Life Philippines
Ports Network Corporation of Manila
Religious of the Virgin Mary (RVM)
SGS Philippines
TBS Industrial Services, Inc.
VCP Trading International Corporation
Westco Electrical & Equipment Corporation
P&PC Training Programs & Consultancy Services Towards Building Learning Organizations
- Personality Development & Business Etiquette
- Customer Relations
- Self & Team Management
- Stress & Time Management
- Influencing & Negotiating Skills
- Career Planning
- Retirement Planning
- Accounting for Non-Accountants
- The Art of Conversation
- Interpersonal Communication
- Written Business Communication
- Assertiveness
Trainer Development
- Basic Train the Trainers
- Facilitating Skills
- Presentation Skills
- Evaluating Training
- Training Needs Analysis
- Curriculum Design & Development
Entrepreneurship & Teamwork
- Strategic Planning
- Balanced Scorecard
- Strategic Thinking / Visioning
- Systems Thinking
- Team Building
- Innovation Camp
- Abandonment Retreat
Organization & Leader Development
- Priority Management
- Financial Management
- Marketing & Sales Management
- Management Development
- Leadership Development
- Problem Solving / Decision Making
- Performance Management
- Team Management
- Coaching & Mentoring
- Organization Climate Survey
- Organization Diagnosis (Baldrige Criteria)
- Change Management
- Value Orientation / Formation
- Competency Profiling
- Career Planning, Development and
- Management
- Support staff Development
- Environment, Safety & Health (ESH)
- Company Newsletter
- Risk & Contingency Management
- 5S
About P&PC
Provides total quality human resource and
organization development programs and
consultancy services designed and
implemented to answer the peculiar needs of client professionals, teams and organizations towards building learning organizations and achieving goals and objectives.
Programs for developing a team of entrepreneurial and continuous learning professionals.
Programs for institutionalizing the climate of
enterprise and learning organization.
Programs to develop the competencies of leaders, trainers and customer contact personnel.
Systems and processes for strategic and operational planning , competency and training needs analysis, rewards and recognition management, career management and development,
organizational communication, performance
management and other human resource
management systems and procedures.
Develops new and enhances
current paradigms and creates metaphors for business success amidst the puzzling paradoxes of the time and clime.
P&PC Team of Consultants
Liza Hizon,
Jose Maria Cosio,
Managing Consultant
Dr. R. Palan,
Author, The Magic of Making Training Fun;
President, SMR Consultants, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Ochie Cosio, Maya BaƱez, Jenny Javier, Edgar Franco, Ricky Garcia, Charlie Garcia,
Senior Consultants
Adrian Aquino, Ronjie Aquino
Associate Consultants
P&PC Contact Info
4715 Ang Buhay Street, Sta. Mesa
Manila, Philippines 1016
(Click here for directions in PDF. You'll need the latest version of the free Adobe Acrobat Reader, which you can download here.)
Tel/Fax: +63 (2) 7159332, 7144533
E-mail: paradigms@mydestiny.net, innovationcamp@yahoo.com
WebOffice™: http://www.learningandinnovation.com
P&PC Vision & Mission
To enjoy learning together
and to become
introspecting, thinking,
creative, loving, caring
professionals, team
and organization
in our quest
for the virtuous life.
We are a
learning organization
helping others become
learning organizations.
P&PC Profile

On their first year, their very first clients were Asea Brown Boveri (Basic & Advanced Train the Trainors and Presentation Skills Workshops), VCP Trading International (Strategic Planning and Teambuilding), Westco Electrical & Equipment Corporation (Strategic Planning & Values & Attitude), Electro Concepts Engineering (Supervisory Program, Teambuilding and Values & Attitudes), Bank of Commerce (Basic and Advanced Train the Trainors, Time Management and Leadership Development), Bank of the Philippine Islands (Customer Relations and Leadership Empowerment Training Programs), Department of Trade & Industry (Presentation Skills) and AFP Retirement and Separation Benefits Services (Written Business Communication). In the same year, P&PC invited a respected trainor from
It was, indeed, an auspicious beginning for an organization of purposive and indefatigable human resource and organization development professionals composed of the founder, Ms. Moje Ramos-Aquino, and her four full time training associates plus five senior program consultants. The four pioneers, Mssrs. Miel Abdon, Rhod Nuncio, Zoilo Lopez and Howard Borromeo were former students of Ms. Ramos-Aquino at San Beda College (B.S. Philosophy and Human Resources Management) and later joined by Ms. Karen Castro from the
Together, they created and deliberately worked towards their vision: “To enjoy learning together and to become introspecting, thinking, creative, loving, caring professionals, team and organization in our quest for the virtuous life.”
Likewise, in 1997 and to this day, P&PC was designated by the American Society for Training & Development as its accredited
While the first clients have become regulars, still new companies were added to their network of clients even if there was no conscious effort to market their program. They grow their business by getting repeat business from all their clients. Their only marketing technique is word of endorsement from their satisfied clients.
P&PC count among their steady clients government, private business and non-government organizations in various fields and industries. Among them are: Hayakawa Electronics, Midas Kapiti International, Pro-Life Philippines, WeServe International, Aboitiz Transport & Consumer Group, WG&A Philippines, Focus Global, Boehringer Ingelheim (Phils.), AMA Group of Companies, Malayan Insurance Company, Star Cinema Production, Adamson University (Engineering Department), MacroAsia Eurest, Max’s Ermita, The Boots Company, First Philippine Holdings, Lopez Inc., Adtel, Club Estancia, Department of Tourism, Personnel Management Association of the Philippines, Sterling Tobacco Corporation, Caritas Manila, Philippine Association of National Advertisers, Warner Home Video, Yasaki-Torres Manufacturing, Unilab Liturgical Council, Ports Network Corporation of Manila, Aichi Forging Company of Asia,Philippine Daily Inquirer, MSF Tire & Rubber Company, Clark Development Corporation and others. Their newest satisfied clients are Landbank of the Philippines, First Asia Institute of Technology & the Humanities, National Electrification Administration, INA Research
Among the favorite programs of their clients are: Corporate Planning (Strategic, Operational and Action Planning), Communications (Written Business Communication, Effective Presentation Skills, Technical Report Writing, The Art of Conversation, Effective Telephone Communication), Team Building, Excellent Customer Relations, Trainer Development (Basic, Advanced, Training Evaluation), Personality Development, Stress Management, Entrepreneurship, Supervisory & Leadership Programs and Values & Attitudes among others. They, also, have the capability for Organization Diagnosis, Executive Position Evaluation and Compensation Structure, Job Profiling, Job Evaluation and Salary Study, Performance Management System, Company Newsletter, Learning Needs Analysis, Climate Survey and other human resource and organization programs and systems.
Slowly and deliberately, P&PC built up their own resources. They design and produce their own program materials and handouts. They boast of a decent library with more than 1,500 books, periodicals and looseleaf materials. They have the requisite high-tech equipment such as desktop PCs, notebook, scanner, printer, and combo binder. All these are housed at
They were not without their own critical moments. Ms. Ramos-Aquino went through the discovery-surgery-healing phases of cancer starting mid-1998. With the Asian economic crisis and her illness, she was forced to cut her loses by letting go of her associates. With their competencies in training and consulting, they immediately gained employment as professors in various universities. They never really left. To this day, they hangout at the office and actively help out whenever they can.
Three years in chaotic clime, P&PC has emerged as a winner, not just a survivor. Indeed they live true to their mission: “We are a learning organization helping others become learning organizations.” Though profitability is desired as a business result; what gives them most satisfaction and props them up in both critical and opportune times is their ability to make a difference by helping others identify and realize their talents and potentials in a fun way.